Agriculture Paper 3, WASSCE (PC), 2016

Question 3


  1. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

    (a) Name the parts labeled I and III. [2 marks]


    (i) State the management practice that has been carried out on the part labeled II. [1 mark]

    (ii) Give two reasons for carrying out the management practice stated in 3(b)(i). [2 marks]

    (iii) Mention two devices that could be used to carry out the management practice stated in 3(b)(i). [2 marks]

    ((iv) State four precautions that should be taken when carrying out the management practice stated in 3(b)(i). [4 marks]

    (c) Name four bacterial diseases of the farm animal illustrated in the diagram above. [4 marks]


This question was well attempted by the candidates. Though most of the candidates were unable to give the correct names of the parts labeled in the diagram, they could state the management practice that had been carried out on the part labelled II. They could also give reasons for carrying out debeaking and mention the devices that could be used to carry out debeaking as required in 3(a, bi-iii). However, most of the candidates could neither state the precautions that should be taken when carrying out debeaking nor name bacterial diseases of chicken as required in 3(b)(iv) and 3(c) respectively.

The expected answers include:

3. (a) Name of the parts labelled II and III
II   -   Comb       
III  -    Wattle           

(b) (iv) Precautions to be taken when carrying out the process (Debeaking)

- Debeaking instruments should be sterilised

- Debeaking should be done by an expert

- Cut beak in appropriate size

- Tongue of bird should be avoided

- Check for any bleeding after debeaking

- Do not cut with jerk nor very slowly/make sure the blade of debeaker is sharp

- Provide sufficient feed in feeder immediately after bebeaking

(c) ) Bacterial Diseases that could affect the farm animal (chicken) illustrated in the diagram

- Tuberculosis

- Fowl typhoid

- Chronic respiratory disease (CRD)

- Erysipelas

- Omphalitis/ Navel ill

- Infectious Coryza

- Pullorum or bacillary white disease

- Fowl cholera

- Necrotic Enteritis

- Fowl botulism

- Avian Salmonellosis