Auto mechanics Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2017

Question 4


(a)  State the function of each of the following units in automobile air-
conditioning system:

(i)  compressor;
(ii)  condenser;
(iii) expansion valve;
(iv) evaporator.

(b)  What is a refrigerant?
(c)  List five places where overtaking must not take place on the road.




The Candidates that attempted this question did satisfactorily well. However, a few of them could not adequately answer question 4(c). Below is the solution of the poorly answered part of the question.

(c)        When Overtake Is Prohibited

-       At pedestrian or zebra crossing
-       At road junctions
-       At road corners
-       On narrow bridges
-       On level crossing
-       On roundabouts
-       At the crest of hills

  •       At points where single solid lanes are not broken
  •       At bus-stops
  •       On narrow roads
  •       Where it is inscribed “No Overtaking!” or “Overtaking Prohibited”