Auto mechanics Paper 2 WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2018

Question 4


(a) Sketch an engine oil dipstick and indicate the correct markings on it.
(b) State two reasons why the crankcase of a motor vehicle engine is ventilated.
(c) List three types of radiator core used on the motor vehicle.
(d) State the function of each of the following:

(i) thermostat;
(ii) pressure cap.



This question did not pose much problem to the candidates who attempted it.  The problematic parts were parts (b) and (c). The required responses to these parts are:

(b) Reasons why the crankcase is ventilated
- To prevent pressure build up;
- To allow the escape of harmful gases;
- To avoid contamination of the engine oil.
(c) Types of radiator core
- Tube type;
- Gill tube type;
- Film type;
- Cross flow type or horizontal type;
- Vertical flow type;
- Commercial type.