Biology Paper 2,May/June 2013  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Main
General Comments

Question 1

Question 1

  1. (i)   What is respiration?                                                                                        [2 marks]

 (ii) In a tabular form, state four differences between gaseous exchange
and aerobic respiration.                                                                                  [4 marks]

  1.  (i)  Explain the term residual air.                                                                         [2 marks]
  2. What is the importance of residual air to mammals?                                      [2 marks]
  3. State four characteristic features associated with respiratory structures.             [4 marks]
  4. (i)   What is oxygen debt?                                                                                      [3 marks]
  5. Outline three activities that can result in oxygen debt.                                [3 marks]



  Candidates were able to answer question (a) (i) but were unable to tabulate the differences between gaseous exchange and aerobic respiration correctly. Most candidates could not define the term residual air and give the importance.
 The expected answers are:
1(a) (ii) Differences between gaseous exchange and aerobic respiration
            Gaseous exchange                                           Aerobic respiration
-       Oxygen simply moves into the               oxygen is used to oxidise glucose
        organism and CO2 moves out;               

  • process takes place outside the cells        process occurs inside the cells
  • physical process                                       chemical process                                    
  • no energy is released                               energy is released
  • no enzymes involved                               enzymes involved

(b) (i)   Residual Air
     During breathing out/expiration/exhalation; not all the air is removed from the lungs; the air          left inside the lungs during breathing out is residual air.
(ii)  Importance of Residual Air

  • Air is left in the lungs so that the lungs do not collapse;
  • air is always left inside the lungs so that more oxygen can be removed (diffuse) into the blood stream.

Candidates could not also outline the activities that can result in oxygen debt. Candidates wrote carbon monoxide in air; overcrowding, deforestation.
Expected answers are:
   (d) (i) Oxygen debt
The build up of lactic acid; during strenuous exercise is poisonous and makes the muscles ache; oxygen is needed to break down/get rid of the lactic acid; that is why athletes continue breathing heavily even after the exercise is over; the oxygen needed to get rid of the lactic acid is known as oxygen debt.                                                                                                                                     
      (ii) Activities that can result in oxygen debt

Running; boxing; swimming /any correct example of strenuous activities.

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