Biology Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 3

  1. (a) Name one instrument used for collecting:
    (i) Soil organisms from a soil sample;
    (ii) Tiny insects from a leaf or a stem. [2 marks]
  2. (b) Make a drawing 6cm – 8cm long of the instrument named in (a) (ii) above and label fully. [9 marks]
  3. Explain briefly the relationship between three examples of symbiotic organisms. [9 marks]


This was the most unpopular question among the candidates. The few candidates that attempted it performed badly. Only a few candidates could name the instruments used for collecting soil organisms from a soil sample; and collecting tiny insects from a leaf or a stem. Candidates generally performed poorly in this question.
The expected answers are:


  1. (i) Instrument for collecting soil organisms from a soil sample

    Sieve; Tullgren funnel

    (ii)Instrument for collecting soil organisms from a soil sample


  2. Diagram/drawing of pooter


  4. Trichonympha
    Protozoa living in the gut of a termite; helps the termite to digest cellulose; while the Protozoa/Trichonympha enjoy protection and food in return from the termite.


    Sea anemone attaching itself to the shell of hermit crab; thereby enjoying pieces of leftover food therein. The hermit crab in turn enjoys protection against predators/the sea anemone’s stings prevent the predators from harming the hermit crab.


    Algae and fungi in a Lichen; Lichen is made up of a fungus and a unicellular alga living together; The green alga produces food/photosynthesis for the association; the fungus protects the alga/ absorbs water from the surroundings.

    Rhizobium sp. Nitrogen - fixing bacteria and root nodules of leguminous plants;
    The Rhizobium fixes atmospheric nitrogen directly into the plant while rhizobium enjoys shelter/food/nutrients from the plant.and any correctly named symbiotic relationship

    Note: the two organisms must be named to score the 1 mark for naming