Biology Paper 3 WASSCE (SC) 2019

Candidates' Strengths


The observed strengths of the candidates include:

- writing answers neatly and clearly;
- ability to answer the three questions required of them;
- ability to follow the instructions of the questions;
- ruling guidelines with pencil;
- ability to state the function of specimens A (thermometer), D (sweep net) and E (wind vane);
- ability to name organisms associated with the use of specimen D (sweep net);
- ability to state the similarities between specimens H (quill feather) and J (palm frond);
- ability to tabulate the differences between specimens H (quill feather) and J (palm frond);
- ability to make a drawing specimen D (sweep net);
- ability to name the location on the body of the organism where specimen H (quill feather) could be obtained;
- ability to name the Kingdom of the organism where specimen H (quill feather) could be obtained;
- ability to name the habitat of specimens P (cockroach) and Q (grasshopper);
- ability to state the observable differences between specimens P (cockroach) and Q (grasshopper).