Question 4
(a)State the function of a staircase.
(b) Sketch a section through a concrete staircase and label the following:
(c)State two factors that influence the choice of a roof structure.
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Most candidates were able to:
state the function of a staircase;
sketch the section through a concrete staircase.
However, they were unable to:
label the given parts of a staircase correctly;
state the factors that infl uence the choice of a roof structure.
(a) The function of a staircase is to provide access between floors in a building
(b)A section through a concrete staircase and labelling the parts.

(c) Factors that influence choice of roof structure
(i) Span of the building.
(ii)Climatic Condition/location of the building.
(iii)Space for services.
(iv)Cost of construction.
(v)Type of building.
(vi)Function of the building.
(vii) Aesthetics/appearance.