Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 May/June 2015

Question 2

  1. Numbers 27: 15 - 23

    1. Discuss the appointment of Joshua as Moses’ successor.
    What three qualities of Joshua can be recommended for leaders of today?



This question was popular among the candidates. However, most candidates went astray by narrating the story of how Joshua and Caleb (the story of the twelve spies) went to spy the land of Canaan thereby, going off the requirement of the question. Some of the salient points which could have gotten the candidates their full marks are highlighted below:

  1. When Moses was old and about to die, he asked God for a new leader.
  2. One who will lead them out and bring them in.
  3. This was to ensure that Israel would not be without a shepherd.
  4. God declared Joshua, son of Nun, as Moses’ successor
  5. Joshua was a man with the spirit of God, a long associate of Moses.
  6. Moses was to invest Joshua with some of his authority so that all the congregation of Israel would obey him.
  7. The change was to be a gradual shift of power while Moses was still alive.
  8. Joshua was to depend on Eleazar, the priest, who would inquire of the Lord by the judgment of the Urim and Thummin.
  9. At his command, the entire Community of Israel will go out and come in.
  10. Moses brought Joshua before Eleazar and the congregation.
  11. Eleazar commissioned him before the congregation by laying hands on him.
  12. Laying of hands’ on Joshua signified his divine appointment.
  13. Joshua was to follow/mediate upon the law given to him by Moses.
  14. God encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous.
  15. God pledged to always be with him.
  16. Moses had a great concern for the nation as he was not disturbed by the forecast of his death, but prayed for Joshua.

In the Part B, candidates failed to show how Moses prepared Joshua to take over from him. This part was challenging to the candidates in that, they were not familiar about the leadership qualities of Joshua rather, they wrote about the leadership qualities of Moses which to an extent were not all that similar. Though on the average, it was the Part B that helped to boost the score of the candidates who answered this question. Some of the peculiar leadership qualities peculiar to Joshua which contemporary leaders can emulate include;

  1. They should accord respect to young and old, rich or poor.
  2. They should be courageous and strong in taking decisions and implementing them.
  3. People should recognize the need to grow into leadership instead of grabbing it.
  4. He was visionary/had foresight/positive thinker.
  5. He was strategist/good planner/Administrator.