Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2017

Question 1





This question was popular among candidates. Candidates did not have problem answering this question as they performed optimally in it. Some candidates concentrated their attention on the creation of man rather than woman. Outlines of some of the expected points required are;

  1. After God created man, he put him in the garden to till it and keep it,
  2. God saw that man was lonely in the garden and decided to make a partner

suitable for him.

  1. All creatures had partners except man.
  2. God promised that this partner will be a helper fit for him because man dominated all other creatures.
  3. God caused a deep sleep to befall man and while he slept, God took a rib from him
  4. God used this rib to make a woman as a life partner for man
  5. When Adam saw her, he said, “This at last is the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh”
  6. “She shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man”
  7. Therefore, a man leaves his parents and shall cleave to his wife as one flesh
  8. The man and the woman were both naked in the garden but they were not ashamed