Cosmestology Paper 3, WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 3 / Observation

Candidates were request to
 (a)       Identify the equipment illustrated in the diagrams:
 (b)       Identify the parts labeled I to V in diagram A.
 (c)       State one use of each part labeled III –V in diagram A.
 (d)      (i)      State two uses of each of the diagrams A and B.
(ii)     List five parts that are common to diagrams A and B.
 (e)       (i)      State one physical difference between diagrams A and B.
(ii)     State five safety measures in handling the equipment in diagrams A and B.

The identification in (3)(a) & (b) were well identified by many candidates. (3)(c)-(eii)
were also very well tackled as these were the candidates’ strengths.