Dyeing And Bleaching Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 3

(a) Describe the ways in which the following materials and tools are used as safety precautions in a dyeing studio:

  1. mouth and nose mask/guard;
  2. rubber gloves;
  3. apron;
  4. safety glasses;
  5. petroleum jelly.




  The question was popular among the candidates and most of the candidates performed very well in this question. Most candidates were able to give a good description of how the listed safety materials and tools are used as safety precautions in a dyeing studio. Evidence that they were taught well both theoretically and practically. The following points were given by the candidates to obtain the maximum marks:


(i) Mouth and nose mask/guard: They are worn to cover the mouth and nose from direct contact with chemicals and dyes to prevent inhalation.

(ii) Rubber gloves: They are worn by the dyer to prevent chemical burns and stains. They are also used for stirring, turning and spreading of fabric during and after dyeing.

(iii) Apron: It is worn by the dyer to prevent splashing of hot wax, dye stains and chemical burns.

(iv) Safety glasses: It is a pair of glasses worn by the dyer to protect the eyes from direct contact with chemicals, dyes and hot wax.

(v) Petroleum jelly: It is a creamy substance used to lubricate the hands after dyeing and also as a first aid in case of burns.