Elect Installation & Maintenance Work 2, WASSCE (SC), 2017


The observed weaknesses are as follows:

- majority of the candidates could not draw British Standard symbols;

- poor communication skills;

- inability to differentiate between procedures and steps;

- majority of the were not versed in motors and generators;

- majority of the candidates could not define terms like earthing and earth electrode;

- majority of the candidates did not have practical experiences;

- inability to differentiate between sources of danger and courses of electric shock.


The following remedies were however suggested:


`- candidates should be introduced to practical and field experiences;

- qualified teachers should be recruited to teach the subject;

- candidates should be familiar with the examination syllabus;

- candidates should learn more about motors and generators;

- teachers should cover the topics in the teaching syllabus before examinations commence;

- candidates should improve their study habit.