Basic Electronics Paper 2, WASSCE (PC), 2017


  • Question 5

    1. State the difference between gas turbine and hydro power generating stations.
    2. State the function of the following components in electricity transmission systems.
    3. tower;
    4. insulators;
    5. conductors.


  • Observation

          The expected answers were;


    (b) (i)  Tower:-  It carries the high voltage transmission lines and keep them separated
    from their surroundings and from each other.                                                     
    (ii) Insulators: – They are used for insulation purposes to:

    • avoid short circuit;
    • support conductors;
    • conductor heat from conductors etc.                                                       

    (iii) Conductors:- They are used for the transmission of power or current from
    generating stations to points where the power is consumed through substations.                                                                                            
    Many candidates who attempted this question did fairly well.