Fisheries Paper 2 Alt B., May/June 2015

Question 6

       (a)    Mention six ways in which fisheries is important to the economy of your country.                   
                                                                                                                          [ 6 marks ]

       (b)    (i)         List four causes of water pollution.                                           [ 4 marks ]

                (ii)        State one way of controlling each of the causes listed in 6(b)(i) above.       [ 4 marks ]

       (c)     List six culturable fish species that could be found in your country.   [ 6 marks ]


This question was poorly attempted by the candidates.  Though most of the candidates were able to mention the ways in which fisheries is important to the economy of the country as required in 6(a), most of them could not list the causes of water pollution and state ways of controlling them as required in 6(b)(i-ii).  

Finally, most of the candidates were unable to list culturable fish species as required in 6(c).

The expected answers include:       
6 (b)    (i)         Causes of water pollution
-           Poisons/agro chemicals
-           Sewage/human waste
-           Debris
-           Household refuse
-           Oil spillage
-           Industrial waste
-           Sand mining

(ii)        Ways of controlling causes of water pollution
Poisons            -  avoid use of poisons in fishing or pouring
poison/chemicals into water

-   should be properly disposed in dug pit
-   treated and freed of impurities before disposing in water
-   proper education on sewage disposal

                       Debris              -   should be properly disposed at dump site and not in water

                       Household     -         avoid disposing in water refuse     

                      Oil spillage    

-            dispose at proper site
-            properly maintain oil pipe lines to prevent leakage
-            in case of spillage use proper mop up technique
-            provide proper security against oil pipeline vandals

                    Industrial waste          

-           should be properly treated before disposal  
-           do not dispose untreated waste into water
-          adhering to government policy on waste disposal 

sound mining

-           should be discouraged and prevented especially near fish breeding  grounds
-          adhering to government policy on sand mining.

(c)        Culturable fish species that could be found in Nigeria

-           Tilapia
-           Clarias
-           Heterobranchus
-           Carp
-           Mullet
-           Snake head
-           Heterotis