Fisheries Paper 3 Alt B., WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 4


     (a) State one use of each of specimens K and L in the construction of fish ponds[ 2 marks ]

    (b) Name four other items that are required in the construction of fish ponds. [ 4 marks ]

    (c) State two ways of maintaining specimen K. [ 2 marks ]

    (d) Describe two methods of applying specimen M in fish ponds. [ 4 marks ]

    (e) State three effects of applying excess quantity of specimen M to fish ponds. [ 3 marks ]


          This question was well attempted by the candidates. Most of the candidates were able to
         state the uses of specimen K (Mattock) and specimen L (Shovel) in the construction of   
         fish ponds, name other items required for construction of fish ponds as well as state the    
         ways of maintaining specimen K (Mattock) as required in 4(a), (b) and (c). However,   
         majority of them were unable to describe the methods of applying specimen M (Poultry
         manure) to fish ponds as required in 4(d).

        Finally, majority of the candidates were unable to state the effects of applying excess   
quantity of specimen M (Poultry manure) to fish ponds as required in 4(e).

The expected answers were:

4   (d)  Methods of applying specimen M (Poultry manure) to fish ponds


-      It could be spread and mixed with bottom soil or thrown over pond water
-      It is done before or after impoundment.
-      Appropriate quantity is determined.                              

Bag/Sac method                                                                                            

-    Manure is put in muslin/jute sac/bag and suspended in pond water (not     
-    Nutrients move from bag into water
-    It is done after impoundment or during rearing
-    Bag is removed after use                                                  

         Spot/side placement                                                                            

-   The manure is place at a particular spot in the pond.
-   Nutrient leach out and dilute with water gradually.          
(e)     Effects of applying excess quantity of specimen M (Poultry Manure) to fish ponds

-   Causes excessive algal bloom
-   Could kill micro-organisms
-   High pH of water
-   High ammonia content of water
-   Pollution of water makes environment unfit for fish.
-   Soil becomes silted / high siltation
-   Excessive algae/silt clogs fish gills
-   Reduction of dissolved oxygen in water.
-   High turbidity of water
-   Causes disease outbreak in water.