GSM Phone Maintenance and Repair Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2019

Question 7


(a) List four steps involved in using fire extinguisher to put out fire outbreak in a workshop.
(b) Give two reasons a mobile phone will display the message ‘SIM card rejected’ when a SIM is inserted into it.


The expected answers are:

Candidates performed brilliantly in this question as they were able to rightly place the given errors in their appropriate classification of fault in the table provided.
The expected answers are:

  1. Steps in using the fire extinguisher
    • Remove the safety pin
    • Aim at the base of the fire
    • Press to gently release the content
    • Sweep the extinguisher from side to side till the desired result is achieved

  2. Reasons for SIM card rejected error
    • damaged SIM
    • wet SIM
    • dirty SIM
    • barred SIM