Geography Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 1

(a) write explanatory notes on any two of the following:

    (i) population density;

    (ii) birth rate;

    (iii) optimum population.


(b) In what four ways can the problems of under population be solved?

This was a popular question among the candidates but the performance of those who answered the question was poor. The candidates could not give satisfactory explanatory notes on population density, birth rate and optimum population.

The expected answers for population density were:


-    the ratio of people per unit area
-    can be expressed as Total population / Total land area
-    population expressed as persons per km²
-    population density could be high (factor of increase)
-    Population density could be low (factor of decrease)

    Explanatory notes on birth rate are:

-    the number of live births per thousand persons in a population
-    the birth rate is presented on a yearly or annual basis
-    birth rate could be high (factor of increase)
-    birth rate could be low (factor of decrease)
-    used to estimate the annual growth rate of a population


Explanatory notes on Optimum Population are:
-   it is the relationship between population and available resources
-   a situation where the number of people in a given area equals the resources within the area
-   a difficult situation to attain in real life
-   it is a situation of equilibrium
-   any additional number of people leads to over population
-   any reduction in number of people leads to under population
-   it involves size of population and technical competence


Similarly, they could not provide satisfactory answers on ways of solving the problem of under population. The expected answers
-    discouraging all forms of birth control
-    improved welfare packages
-    encouragement of immigrants
-    encouragement of polygamy
-    legislation against abortion
-    public enlightenment
-    government incentives, e.g. free medical care, education etc.
-    child welfare benefits, e.g. monthly upkeep allowances
-    encouragement of early marriage
-    economic support for  single parents
-    increase in food supply
-    discouragement of monogamy
-    acquisition of skills
-    industrialization/gainful employment