Question 6
- Explain five factors which limit the rate of development in the Southern Coastlands of Nigeria.
- In what five ways can the development of the region be improved?
This question was attempted by a good proportion of the candidates and their performance was fair. While some candidates did not know the answer, other gave the points that were answers to the question without full explanations. The factors which limit the rate of development of the Southern Coastlands of Nigeria include:
- presence of swamps
- excessive flooding
- presence of numerous creeks, lagoons and canals
- invasion of water hyacinth in water bodies
- silting of rivers
- high salinity of swamps
- difficulty in construction due to poor terrain
- soil erosion/leaching
- land degradation
- coastal erosion due to wave action
- pollution of water bodies e.g. oil spillage/gas flaring
- inadequate portable water
- incidence of pests
- mismanagement
- incidence of diseases
- insecurity
- deforestation
- poor communication network
- rural urban drift
- illegal sand winning
- poor condition of roads
- difficulty in land acquisition for development
- inadequate social amenities
- illegal fishing
- inaccessibility of some areas
- frequent rainfall disrupts economic activities
- chieftaincy conflicts
- youth restiveness
- high population density in some areas
- inadequate capital
- smuggling/illegal bunkering
The Ways in which the development of the region can be improved are:
- provision of infrastructure
- research into other economic prospects/resources in the region
- construction of flyovers to ease congestion
- allocation of earnings to support developmental projects by companies
- financial support by companies for development
- corporate social responsibility
- improvement of communication network
- location of industries in rural areas
- strict laws on pollution
- clearance of water weeds