Geography Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 1

Study the map extract provided on a scale of 1:50,000 and answer the questions that follow:

  1.    Using a vertical scale of 1cm to represent 200 feet draw an annotated cross       
  2.     profile of the area marked A-B in the southern part of the map.

  3.    Describe the influence of relief on:
    1. Settlements in the mapped area;
    2. Transportation network in the mapped area.
  4.    What is the drainage pattern of the mapped area?

This compulsory question was poorly answered by some candidates.   Quite a good proportion of the candidates could not draw the cross profile. Cross profile could be mastered through reading and practising.  The influence of relief on settlements in the mapped area was poorly answered by some candidates.  The expected answers were:

-           The northeastern part of the map is made up of rugged relief, hence few isolated compound are found there.
-           The ridge at the south eastern part of the map has no settlements.
-           Built- up settlements are found at the foot of the hills in the south east.      
-           In the north western part of the map, relief is gentle and undulating , hence many isolated compounds are found.
-           The prominent settlements in the mapped area- Ilubusechi, Eganyi, Adogo and Iloshi are located on low lying landscape.
-           Ebiya is located on a lowland between hills.
-           Many isolated compounds took advantage of the lowlands between the rugged landscape in the northeast and southeast.
-           Many isolated compounds in the south-western part of the map due to the undulating lowlands.
Any 3 points well explained at 2 marks each = 6 marks
                        Mere listing = 1 mark each

The influence of relief on transportation network in the mapped area are:
            -           Roads avoid steep slopes in the entire map.
-           The main road is found in the northwestern part of the map where the relief is gently rolling.
-           The secondary road avoids hills and ridge at the southern part of the map.
-           There are no roads in the eastern end of the mapped area because of the rugged                             nature  and the steep slopes of the land.
-           The minor road in the mapped area runs parallel to the rugged relief from the                                 north to south.
-           Only footpaths are found on the eastern part of the mapped area because of the                              rugged terrain.
-           Roads avoid highlands and take advantage of lowlands in the mapped area.
-           The main path in the extreme southeastern part of the mapped area takes advantage of the pass between the ridge and the knoll.