History Paper 2 WASSCE Private Candidates, 2019

Question 4

Outline any five roles played by Islam in Hausa land in the 19th century.


The question required the candidates’ to explain the role Islam played in Hausa land in the 19th Century. Many candidates’ saw the question as asking for the roles of Islamic scholars. This made them to concentrate on issues like introduction of Islam and building of mosque. The candidates’ performance was poor. To get good marks, candidates were expected to mention the following points:

(i) Islam led to the unification of independent Hausa States.
(ii) Islamic schools were built top promote Islamic education.
(iii) Arabic literature and language were enhanced to help in communication and writing.
(iv) It led to the emergence of Islamic Scholars as secretaries, record keepers, and councilors in palaces.
(v) It increased trading activities with North Africa and the Arab world.
(vi) It produced powerful and influential political leaders.
(vii) Islam helped to suppress paganism in Hausa land.
(viii) If led to the establishment of Islamic Judicial system.
(ix) It led to the introduction of Islamic architecture.
(x) It led to the establishment of theocratic state.
(xi) It attracted other professionals to Hausa land.