Home Management Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 5


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This question  request candidates ‘a’ to explanation of household linen. Majority of candidates wrote clothes for decoration in the home instead of a collective name for a variety of textiles articles. Few  candidates answered it correctly. The part ‘b’ part of the question was on  ways to care for household linen. Most of the candidates wrote on steps in laundering. E.g  soaking,washing and ironing instead of washing immediately after using the napkins and stored it in an appropriate container. The ‘c’ part was on  alternative uses of worn out bedsheet. Majority of the candidates answered correctly with the exception of some who wrote is used for rag instead of pillow case apron and pot holder etc. The ‘d’ part of the question was on food cupbroad. Majority of the candidates were unable to answer correctly.