Literature-In-English Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2019

Question 3


    BAYO ADEBOWALE: Lonely Days

    How do the men of Kufi behave towards their women?


This was a popular question. Candidates mentioned that the women were intimidated by the men to keep them in check. However, they failed to mention Yaremi’s disposition towards this attitude.

The following points should be well developed by the candidates:

  • Men are the overlords in Kufi and women know and have come to terms with this fact.
  • Women must not rise above their status.
  • Women must be timid and self-effacing.
  • Yaremi rejects the system, to the annoyance of the men.
  • Wife-beating as a means of keeping women in their place.
  • Polygamy as means of keeping women in check.


Candidates’ performance in this question was good.