Music 2 , Nov/Dec 2012  
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Question 3

(a)        Write short notes on any three of the following under:

            -           type(s) of music;
            -           one composer and composition;
            -           historical period(s).

            (i)         The choral symphony;
            (ii)        Brandburg Concerto;
            (iii)       Water Music;
            (iv)       Die Winterreise;
(v)        The Magic Flute.

(b)        Apart from oratorio and opera, name any other three vocal forms of the Baroque period   


This question was popular among the candidates and most of these candidates performed poorly and this made them to lose a substantial part of the obtainable marks. Candidates should have responded to the question thus:


(a)        The Choral Symphony

  1. Another name for the 9th symphony by L.V. Beethoven, the last of his

symphonies.  So called because the finale contains parts for the chorus.
It is the late classical period
Choral Symphony is an instrumental music, an orchestral sonata with vocal part by L.V. Beethoven, in the late Classical period.

  1. Title of an Instrumental suite written for a royal party by G.F. Handel, to appease King George I. It was performed for a royal journey up River Thames.

Handel lived in the Baroque period               

  1. Vocal Music: German title for “Winter Journey”, one of Franz Schubert’s Song Cycles, contains 24 poems by Wilhelm Miiler.


One of the creations in the Romantic era.                 

  1. (Orchestral) Brandenburg Concerto is a set of J.S. Bach

‘6’concerti grossi for various combinations.
Baroque period                                  

  1. (Opera)The Magic flute is an opera by W.A. Mozart of the Classical period.


Mass, Cantata, Passions, Chorale, Motet, Chants, Madrigals, Anthems etc


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