Question 2
With reference to Gavotte (From French Suite) by Bach.
- What is the nationality of the composer?
- State the relative minor of the key of the music.
- State the chord that begins the music.
- To what key does the music modulate at the end of the second staff?
- State the names of the following articulations and explain their functions as used in the music.
- State any four melodic devices used in the music.
- What is the tempo of the music?
Candidates were expected to study the set-piece and respond accordingly to the questions. However, most of the candidates performed poorly in this question. Candidates should have responded to the question in the following ways:
- E minor
- Chord 1 (Tonic chord)
- D major
- (i) Staccato – short detached sounds
(ii) mordent – an ornament expressed by quickly moving from the principal note to the upper note and coming back to the principal note.
- Repetition, arpeggios, scale, modulation, sequences, interlocking 3rds
Moderato or at a moderate pace
P, mp, f, mf, cresc,
With reference to NNE, BIA NYEREM AKA by Laz Ekwueme.
- For what media is the music written?
- Explain the dynamic mark that begins the piano accompaniment.
- Explain the meaning of the title in English.
- Quote the first two bars of the piano part (left and right hands).
- What is the form of the music?
- State four compositional devices used in the music.
Candidates were expected to study the set-piece and respond accordingly to the questions. However, most of the candidates performed poorly in this question and the major cause of this was non-availability of the prescribed set-pieces. Candidates should have responded to the question in the following ways:
- Voice and Piano
- (mp) mezzo piano meaning moderately soft
- Mother, I need your help
- Strophic
- Syncopation, hemiola, antiphony, imitation, modulation, repetition,