Music Paper 2 (Essay) WASSCE (PC), 2016

Question 2

  1. Either
    With reference to Triumphal March (From AIDA) by G. Verdi.

    1. What type of work is AIDA?
    2. For which medium did the composer originally write the march?
    3. What is the texture of the music?
    4. Quote the melody in the first two bars of the treble staff.
    5. Identify any four compositional devices used by the composer.
    6. State the tempo of the piece and write out the meaning.


Candidates were expected to study the set-piece and respond accordingly to the questions. However, candidates’ performance was average in this question. Candidates should have responded to the question in the following ways:
 (a)       Opera                                                                                                             
(b)        Orchestra                                                                                                        
(c)        Melody and accompaniment (Homophony)                                                  



(i)         Triplets
(ii)        Dotted rhythm
(iii)       Syncopation
(iv)       Modulation
(v)        Marcato bass
(vi)       Repetition
(vii)      Parallel thirds and sixths
(viii)    Variation                                

(f)        Allegro maestoso – Fast and majestic                                                            

With reference to Antentenanta in C (Opus 3 No. 1) by C.W.K. Mereku.

  1. Quote the first four bars of the opening melody of the solo part.
  2. What is the form of the music?
  3. List the two instruments the music was written for.
  4. Name any three keys to which the piece modulates.
  5. Name the two traditional genres used by the composer.
  6. What is the nationality of the composer?

Candidates were expected to study the set-piece and respond accordingly to the questions. However, the overall performance in this question was poor. In an attempt to identify compositional devices as used by the composer, candidates went outside the piece to mention general compositional devices and this was a clear evidence of non-mastery of  musical terms and signs. Candidates should have responded to the question in the following ways:


 (b)       Sonata allegro form (or Sonata form)                                                            
(c)        (i)        Atenteben                                                                                          
(ii)        Piano                                                                                                  
(d)       (i)        F major (Dominant)
(ii)        D minor (Dominant minor)
(iii)       G minor (Relative minor)
(iv)       D flat major (Parallel minor)
(v)        E flat major (Subdominant)
(vi)       B flat minor (Tonic minor)
(vii)      C minor (Subdominant minor)
(e)        Gabada and Highlife
(f)        Ghanaian