Question 1
- Either
With reference to Moment Musical by Franz Schubert:
- State the key of the piece.
- State the tempo of the music.
- State any four compositional devices used in the music.
- List any three dynamics used in the music.
- In which period of Western music history did the composer live?
- State the form of the music.
- In not more than two bars, notate the predominant rhythm in the bass part.
Candidates were expected to study the set-piece and respond accordingly to the questions. However, candidates’ performance was on the average in this question. Candidates should have responded to the question in the following ways:
With reference to Moment Musical by Franz Schubert:
- G minor
- Allegro moderato (Moderately fast)
- Imitation, scalewise, repetition, modulation, sequences, ornamentation, articulation,
alberti bass, staccato, accents, acciaccatura, appoggiatura, marcato.
p, pp, dim, ppp, f, , , morendo
- Romantic
- AB, A://B, Binary
With reference to Kiniun by Ayo Bankole:
- State the nationality of the composer.
- State the tempo of the music.
- For what media is the music written?
- What is the time signature of the piece?
- What dynamic mark begins the music?
- In which language is the music written?
- List any four terms used in the music.
(h) List any four compositional devices used in the music.
Candidates were expected to study the set-piece and respond accordingly to the questions. However, most of the candidates performed poorly in this question, they went outside the piece to mention general compositional devices. This resulted in loss of marks. Candidates should have responded to the question in the following ways:
With reference to Kiniun by Ayo Bankole
(a) Nigerian
(b) Andantino (Slower than andante)
(c) Voice and Piano (pianoforte)
(d) or Compound quadruple
(e) mf or moderately loud or mezzoforte
(f) Yoruba
(g) dim, poco, sempre, cresc, tranquillo, piu cresc, poco piu cresc,
poco a poco cresc, allargando, 8va bassa, loco, poco ralle dim,
atempo, 8va bass