Physics (Essay) Paper 2, WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2019

General Comments on the paper as a whole


The standard of the paper was good and comparable to previous years. The coverage of the syllabus was widespread. The rubrics in the question paper were clear and easy to understand. All domains of learning featured significantly in the paper. Candidates’ performance and styles of response was quite revealing. However, candidates’ performance was below expectation. The marking scheme was detailed, specific and less ambiguous.
The time allotted was adequate. The candidates’ raw mean score of 12 out of 60 and a standard deviation of 07.35 with a candidature of 46,526 indicates a poor performance than that of WASSCE for Private Candidates 2018, which recorded a raw mean score of 15 out of 60 marks and a standard deviation of 05.34 with a candidature of 54,614.