Physics Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2019

Alternative A


Question 2




  1. You are provided with a converging lens and holder; a screen, a ray box containing an illuminated object pin and a meter rule.
    1. Place the lens in its holder such that it is facing a distant object seen through a well-lit laboratory window. Move the screen to and fro until a sharp image of the distant object is formed on it. Measure the distance, fo , between the screen and the lens.
    2. Clamp the meter rule securely to the table.
    3. Place the illuminated object pin at the end R of the meter rule. Place the lens at a position P such that X = RP = 20 cm.
    4. Move the screen to a position Q to receive a sharp image of the object. Measure the distance Y = PQ.
    5. Evaluate Z = (X + Y).
    6. Repeat the procedure for five other values of x = 25 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm and 45 cm. In each case, record X, Y and evaluate Z.
    7. Tabulate the results.
    8. Plot a graph with Z on the vertical axis and X on the horizontal axis. Draw a smooth curve through the points.
    9. Determine from your graph the minimum value of Z = Zo and its corresponding distance Xo.
    10. Evaluate W = ½(Zo/4+Xo/2)
    11. State two precautions taken to ensure accurate results.
    1. Draw a ray diagram to show how a convex lens forms an image of magnification less than one.
    2. Name two pairs of features in the human eye and a lens camera that performs similar functions.




Part (a) This question was poorly attempted. Many candidates failed record findings with the appropriate decimal places. Many could not identify the minimum point on the graph of Z against X.
Part (b) Candidates performance was poor.

The expected response:

    (i) fo correctly recorded to at least 1 d.p. in cm.
    (ii) Six values of x or (X) correctly recorded to at least 1 d.p. in cm.
        (Deduct ½ mark for each wrong or missing value)
    (iii) Six values of Y correctly recorded to at least 1 d.p. in cm and in trend.
        (Trend: As x increases, Y decreases)
        (Deduct 1 mark for each wrong or missing value)
    (iv) Six values of Z = (X + Y)
        (Deduct ½ mark for each wrong or missing value)
    (v) Composite table showing at least x or (X), Y and Z.
         GRAPH [06]
    (i) Both Axes correctly distinguished (½ mark each)
    (ii) Reasonable Scales (½ mark each)
    (iii) Six points correctly plotted
        (Award ½ mark each)
    (iv) Curve of best fit
         DEDUCTIONS [02]
    (i) Determination of Z0 [01]
        Correctly shown
        Correctly read
    (ii) Determination of X0 [01]
        Correctly shown
        Correctly read
         EVALUATION OF W [01]
    W = ½(Zo/4+Xo/2)
        correct substitution
        Correct arithmetic
         ACCURACY [01]
    Based on W = f0 (candidate’s value)  10%
        PRECAUTIONS [02]
    Award 1 mark each for any 2 correct precautions stated in acceptable tense.
    Coaxial arrangement of optical instruments/Ray box, lens and screen on a straight line
    Avoided parallax error in reading metre rule
    Lens kept upright
    Repeated readings shown on table
    Surface of lens cleaned
    Noted/corrected/Avoided zero error on metre rule
(b)(i)     Position of object beyond 2f
    Two correct incident rays
    Two correct refracted rays
    Image between f and 2f
    NOTE: If no arrows on rays, deduct ½ mark
(ii) Features performing the same function

Human eye Lens camera
Retina Film/screen
Eye lens Camera lens
Iris Diaphragm
Pupil Aperture