Visual Art Paper 2 (Essay) Aug./Sept. 2022

Question 2


(a) Explain the term improvisation in art.


(b) Write notes on the following terms:

    1. alla prima;
    2. mahl-stick;
    3. figurine;
    4. middle tone.


The question was attempted by many candidates, though their performance was poor. They were expected to respond to the question thus:

(a)                    Explanation of the term Improvisation in art
-           It is the activity of making or doing something using whatever can be found to produce what is needed when the real art material is not available.
-           It is the art of substituting a material or medium in place of another that is not available which will still serve the same purpose.
-           Examples include the use of firewood charcoal for charcoal pencil, chewing stick for brush, colour juice from leaves/tree barks for processed colours or dye stuff.
-           It is a term applicable to all areas of art.

(b)                    Notes on the following terms             
(i)         Alla prima
-           It is a painting that is started and completed on the spot without breaking the process.                                   
-           It is otherwise known as wet-on-wet.            
-           It is also known as direct painting or all premier coup.                                
-           It is a painting technique in which layers of wet paint are applied to previous layers of wet paint.                                                                   
-           It is mostly used in oil painting.                                            
-           It is a fast way of painting, because the work must be finished before the first layer dries.
-           Used since the invention of oil painting.                               

(ii)        Mahl-stick
-           It is a stick with a soft leather or padded head used by painters/graphicists.                         
-           It is used in supporting/resting the hand to steady/prevent it from shaking or staining the surface of the work.               
-           It is derived from the German and Dutch malstock/maalstokpainters stick- malen e.g., meaning to paint.
-           It is a painting tool.                                                                
-           The bulky end has a ball or wad of cotton on it, wrapped in soft leather/chamois.                                       
-           The chamois keeps the mahl-stick from skidding.
-           The bulky end can be cleaned or replaced.                            


(iii)       Figurine
-           It is otherwise known as a statuette or miniature.
-           It is a small modelled/carved figure representing a human, deity or animal.
-           Materials and tools for production include clay, plastic, wood and sculpting tools.
-           It can be produced in different media.
-           Figurines can be movable.
-           Can also be static.
-           Examples include dolls and marquette.

(iv)       Middle tone
-           It is the hue of a tonal value which is half-way between light and shade.
-           It is sometimes called half-tone.
-           Also known as mid-tone/ medium tone.
-           It is the connecting or linking hue in an artwork or design.
-           It is the visual satisfaction derived when viewing a painting.
-           It aims at achieving balance in a painting.
-           It helps in achieving depth in a painting.
-           It is neither very dark nor very light.
-           It is found between shade and highlight.