Clothing and Textiles 2, Aug./Sept. 2018

Question 1


1(a). Explain the following methods of assembling garments:
  (i)  Unit method;
  (ii) Flat method.

1(b) re- arrange the following steps into the correct order of assembling a fitted garment.

  1. Stitch shoulder seam
  2. Stitch dart on bodice.
  3. Stitch side seams of bodice.
  4. Stich dart on skirt.
  5. Joint skirt and bodice at the waistline.
  6. Stitch side of skirt.
  7. Treat the hem.


1(c) State four points to consider when fitting a garment.




In 1(a) Explanation of methods assembling garments: candidates did not do it well only 5% of the candidates answered the question correctly.

  1. Unit method: this is the process whereby each part of the garment is completed/constructed and then assembled together, e.g. bodice, collar, pocket, sleeve. It is suitable for any style, but particularly those with a waist seam.
  2. Flat method: this is the process whereby all parts of the garment are attached to the main garment and then stitched, starting from the sleeve edge to the hem. It is particularly suitable for garments made in one piece from shoulder to the hem.


In (b), The correct order of assembling a filled garment; quite a few of the candidates answered correctly, most could not. Stitch darts on bodice. The expected responses are:

  1. Stitch darts on skirt.
  2. Stitch shoulder seam.
  3. Stitch side seams of bodice.
  4. Stitch sides of skirt.
  5. Join skirt and bodice at the waistline.
  6. Treat the hem.

In 1(c) Points to consider when filling a garment; only one candidate answered the question correctly. The expected responses are:

  1. Wear suitable shoes for the type of clothing.
  2. Fit garment over a slip so that the fabric will fall smoothly.
  3. Put the garment on properly right side out.
  4. Get a friend to help with the fitting.
  5. Fit mainly at the fitting seam.
  6. Opening should always be pinned together accurately before checking fitting points.
  7. Do not fit too tightly.
  8. Watch fabric grain all the time.