Clothing and Textiles 2, Aug./Sept. 2018

Question 2

1 (a). Explain one role each of the following professionals in the clothing industry:

  1. dressmaker;
  2. retailer;
  3. journalist;
  4. milliner;
  5. textile designer.


 (b). State three things an entrepreneur should do to promote his clothing business.
 (c). State two reasons for organizing fashion show.




Candidates responded correctly to (a) except for the role of milliner which most candidates did not even know.

  1. Dressmaker: He /she makes clothes of all kinds for males and females of all ages using specifications of his / her clients. (He /she may take up contracts to sew in bulk or produce items for sale).
  2. Retailer: He /she buys clothing items from the wholesalers and sells to the consumers.
  3. Journalist: He /she presents clothing and textiles ideas either on a freelance basis or through consumer associations, manufacturing industry, advertising or public relations firms.


    Uses media to provide information on clothing and textiles.

  5. Milliner: He /she makes hats and other hair decorations, e.g. bow ties, hair bands and combs.
  6. Textile Designer: He /she makes patterns and motifs used in fabric production.


(b) Was also answered very well by all the candidates.


(c)  Was also answered very well. The expected responses are:


An entrepreneur should: 

  • be innovative.
  • treat workers well.
  • treat customers well (be honest with customers, respect customers)
  • advertise products.
  • be abreast with current fashion trends.
  • have good marketing skills.
  • be hard working.
  • set goals and achieve them/take right decision.
  • employ skilled personnel.
  • have adequate equipment.
  • have functional/serviceable equipment.