Fisheries Paper 2 Alt B., May/June 2015

Question 3

    (a)       Give four examples of integrated fish farming.                                 [ 4 marks ]

    (b)       Mention four criteria for selecting a site for a fish pond.                   [ 4 marks ]                                                                            

    (c)        State four differences between the extensive system and intensive system of  
                aquaculture.                                                                                       [ 8 marks ]

    (d)       State two characteristic of each of the following divisions of fisheries:                                                      
    (i)   capture fisheries;                                                    
    (ii)  culture fisheries.                                                                             [ 4 marks]


This question was well attempted by the candidates.  Most of the candidates were able to give examples of integrated fish farming as required in 3(a).  More so, in 3(b-c), majority of them could mention the criteria for selecting a site for fish pond as well as state the differences between the extensive and intensive systems of aquaculture. However, most of them could not state the characteristics of capture fisheries and culture fisheries as required in 3(d).    

The expected answers include:

3 (d)    Characteristics of divisions of fisheries
(i)         Capture fisheries
-           Fish is obtained from the wild/natural water bodies
-           No feed input
-           Ownership of water body is restricted to the community or country
-           Wide range of gear can be used
-           Unlimited number of fishery organism caught
-           Wide range of vessels used

(ii)        Culture fisheries

                        -           Fish obtained from ponds and cages
-           Fish may be fed
-           Ownership of pond restricted to individuals/ companies
-           Specific gear are used
-           Only fish species stocked are harvested
-           Vessels used are simple