Fisheries Paper 2 Alt B., May/June 2015

Question 5

      (a) List three materials used for packaging fish.                         [ 3 marks ]

    (b) Name four fishing gear that could be used to harvest fish in a pond.           [ 4 marks ]

    (c) Outline three steps which should be taken to prepare a pond for harvesting.           [ 3 marks ]

    (d) Mention six activities that should be carried out on fresh fish before smoking.                [ 6 marks ]

    (e) Distinguish between chilling and freezing as used in fish preservation. [ 4 marks ]


This question was well attempted by the candidates. In 5(a-b), though most of the candidates could list the materials used for packaging fish, they could not name the fishing gear that could be used to harvest fish in a pond. Further to this, majority of the candidates were able to outline the steps which should be taken to prepare a pond for harvesting as well as mention the activities that should be carried out on fresh fish before smoking as required in 5(c-d). However, most of them could not distinguish between chilling and freezing as required in 5(e).


The expected answers include:

5 (b)    Fishing gear that could be used to harvest fish in a pond
-           Gill net
-           Bag net
-           Cast net
-           Traps/basket
-           Hook and line
-           Drag net /seine net

(e)       Difference between chilling and freezing in fish preservation

Chilling is the placing of fish in ice to cool it/reduce its temperature
Freezing is the lowering of the temperature of fresh fish and its body fluid to a
point below 0 oC by placing it in a freezer