Foods and Nutrition Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2019

Question 2




In Question 2 (a), candidates displayed their mastery of the topic by providing correct answers to the differences between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
Though the question did not require candidates to tabulate their answers, many candidates did and many also stated their points with conjunction e.g. alcoholic beverages acts as stimulants while non-alcoholic beverages refreshes.
Similarly, candidates provided accurate answers to question 2 (b) by stating functions of beverages in the diet. Conversely, candidates did not do so well in question 2 (C), where the question was to state the principles underlying tea preparation.


The correct answer to this question is to develop flavour and extract tannin but majority of candidates stated pouring of hot boiling water over tea without mentioning flavour or tannin. Also, it was obvious from their answers that candidates take cocoa beverages for tea as many of them described the preparation of cocoa beverages which is to pour hot boiling water over cocoa, add milk and sugar. This suggests that candidates does not know what tea is and consequently, they do not know how to prepare tea and the principles underlying tea preparation. Question 2 (C) was a major weakness for the candidates.