Government 2, WASSCE (PC), 2016

Question 10

Identify five achievements of the Commonwealth of Nations.


This was a very popular question. The candidates performed averagely well in it. However, some candidates failed to satisfy the demands of the question. They wrote on the aims and objectives of Commonwealth of Nations and failed to score good marks. The candidates were expected to provide the following as answers to the question.

(i)         It has been able to unite all former British colonies together.
(ii)        Served as a forum for periodic meetings to discuss matters of common interest      and various international problems.
(iii)       Promotes sports through the Commonwealth Games.
(iv)       Created avenue for developing member states to obtain loans and grants to developed states.
(v)        Promotion of democracy and good governance.
(vi)       Grants scholarship awards to students of developing states to study in developed member countries like Britain, Canada etc.
(vii)      Provision of military training/assistance to developing countries.
(viii)     Provision of scientific and technical assistance to developing states through the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation.
(ix)       It contributed to the end of apartheid in South Africa through sanctions as well as independence of some colonial states.
(x)        The Commonwealth countries give preferential treatment to trade among themselves.
(xi)       It has been able to bind member states together through English language.
(xii)      It creates health awareness among member states.