Candidate's Weakness
Candidates’ weaknesses were observed in the following areas:
- Difficulty in answering applied/analytical questions.
- Difficulty in answering questions on Phonology
- Non mastery of features of letter writing in Hausa
- Non mastery of orthography
- Non adherence to rubrics
- Poor knowledge of Oral and Written Literature
- Poor handwriting
Suggested Remedies
- Seminars and Workshops should be organized by the respective State Ministries of Education to equip Hausa teachers in the areas of Grammar and Phonology.
- Qualified teachers shouldbe employed to teach Hausa and the existing ones be allowed to go for
In-Service Training. - Relevant curriculum and schemes of work should be provided and be implemented by the
subject teachers. - Candidates should be guided by their teachers on how to answer questions.
- Schools should make the selected texts available in the libraries for the students.
- Candidates should develop good reading habits.
- Candidates should be advised to improve on their handwriting and write legibly.
- Candidates should be kept busy at all times through take-home assignments.