History Paper 2 May/June 2015


  1. List any three areas where kingship existed in Igboland in pre-colonial times.
  2. Highlight any four duties of age-grades among the pre-colonial Igbo.


This question was fairly popular and reasonably well answered. Some candidates could not  correctly mention the places where kingship existed in Igboland but were able to sufficiently mention the functions of the age-grade. However, those who could identify those places got good marks.  In the A part, candidates were expected to mention the following towns: Aboh, Agbor, Asaba, Onitsha etc. While the B part expected them to mention the underlisted points :

(i)  The age-grades performed executive functions;
(ii)  They provided social services to their communities;
(iii)  Membership of age-grades bound the people together;
(iv)  The age-grades ensured that members maintained a high standard
of morality; they also checked public morality.