History Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2016

Question b

Outline any five events that led to the invasion of Benin by the British in 1897.



This question was very unpopular to the candidates and the few ones who attempted it found the question difficult to answer. The candidates were expected to discuss the events that led to the        invasion of Benin by the British in 1897 while those that answered it dwelt on the fall. To get good marks, candidates were expected to mention the following points:

(i)         By 1890, the British had established a strong presence on the coast of Benin and was trying to move into the hinterland.
(ii)        In 1892, Oba Overamwen of Benin was pressurized to sign a treaty with the British to abolish slave trade.
(iii)       By 1895 disagreement had developed over the interpretation of the terms of the treaty. The British claimed it was a treaty of protection but the Oba disagrees.
(iv)       Captain Philip, the British Consul requested to visit Benin to meet the Oba but the Oba turned down the request on the ground that he was celebrating the Igwe festival.
(v)        The British mobilized troops for a punitive expedition against Benin.
(vi)       Instead of Benin to mobilize and get prepared for the British attack, it resorted to human             sacrifices to appeal to the gods because it was militarily weak at the time.
(vii)      The Consul stubbornly set for Benin against all advice and was ambushed by Benin warriors who killed him together with other four members of his party. This incident was known as             The Benin Massacre.