Islamic Studies Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2013  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Main
General Comments


Describe a complete Rak‘ah with its recitations.









This question was on the practical aspect of Salat which may not require much of theoretical information from text books. This, to a  large extent, was responsible for wonderful performance of the candidates, who in their majority answered the question. According to them,  rak‘ah starts with Takbiratul –Ihram  pronounced with both hands raised to the ear level and followed by the recitation of Suratul- Fatihah  and a surah or ayat. This is immediately followed by the ruku’ posture where subhana Rabiyyal ‘Azim is pronounced; standing posture with sami‘allahu liman hamidah and Rabbana lakal- hamd upon standing erect. After this, the worshipper goes to the sujud posture with feet, knees, hands, forehead and the nose touching the ground and saying of Subhana Rabbiyal ’A‘la.  He then makes a short sitting and returns to   the sujud posture with the same utterance as for the first one. This marks the end of a unit of prayer (Salat)  properly described by candidates as a Rak‘ah.

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