Office Practice WASSCE (SC), 2022

Weakness and Remedies


  -     Notwithstanding, the fact that the questions were well-stated and easy to understand some candidates could not still understand what was required. Some candidates were very weak in interpreting the questions. As a result, they could not satisfactorily attempt related questions as reflected in questions four (4).
-     Poor grammatical expression and handwriting, sometimes it will take  a whole lot of time  for an examiner to decipher what a candidate has written, although no candidates was penalized for these two areas of weakness.

-           Failure of the candidates to adhere to the rubrics as many of them did not attempt



It is hereby suggested that teachers who are preparing candidates for this examination (WASSCE) should make them understand importance of reading rubrics before answering the questions.
-           Poor grammar by candidates indicates that English Language teachers have a lot of work to do to groom these candidates. They should not relent in putting in more efforts in their teaching in order to help candidates to improve in their grammar and if possible incorporate handwriting into their teaching
-           It is also important to note that many schools do not have qualified teachers in Office Practice. This problem has come to bear on the students and is noticed in the poor performance of candidates in some areas of the subject.

-           It is recommended that schools should use good Office Practice textbooks written by well experienced and qualified authors to teach the subject.