This question was attempted by many candidates and their performance was fair. In part (a) candidates correctly stated ways of promoting personal hygine however, few candidates lost mark by mentioning cleaning the surrouding, washing of plates, scrubbing the floor of rooms and sitting room and irregular exercise. In part (b) candidates could not correctly state characteistics of physical education in ancient Greece, few that wrote answers went out of context such as it creates source of livelihood, it adds value to mental education, it promotes skills, it is for the development of muscles, it is for entertainment, for prevention of diseases and to be emotionally fit.
However, the expected answers were as follows:
9(a) Ways of promoting personal hygiene
- regular bath with enough water and soap
- washing and combing of hair regularly
- regular brushing of teeth/cleaning of teeth
- regular exercise
- adequate rest and sleep
- taking balanced diet
- avoiding harmful habits/named
- washing of clothes and ironing
- washing hands after eating/toilet
- keeping nails short and clean.
(b) Characteristics of Physical education in ancient Greece
- Physical education featured in all phases of their lives/ named
- played a major part in their national festivals
- helped in building a strong military establishment
- it was a vital aspect of the general education of every Greek
- gymnastics and music were considered the two most important subjects
- Participation in physical education was not materially rewarded/amateurism was
- beauty of the physique/body was emphasized
- everybody participated nude/naked
- wrestling, jumping, dancing, throwing javelin, horse riding dominated the programme.
- helped in uniting the various Greek city states.