Physical Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 3


(a) Explain the following terms as used in the game of tennis:

  1. ace;                                                                                          [2 marks]
  2. alley;                                                                                        [2 marks]
  3. baseline.                                                                                  [2 marks]


(b)        State four service rules in the game of badminton.                                  [4 marks]




Majority of the candidates responded to this question and their performance in it was above average.

In part (a), majority of the candidates correctly explained the term ace. However, only few of them were able to explain alley and baseline.

In part (b), few candidates correctly stated four service rules in the game of badminton.

The expected answers are as follow:
 (a)       Explanation of terms as used in a game of tennis
            (i)         Ace
A good service that a receiver is unable to return / which escapes the receiver / beyond the reach of the receiver / explained
            (ii)        Alley
Area between the singles sideline and the doubles sidelines / outer boundary line.
            (iii)       Baseline
                        The line at each end of the court
(b)        Service rules in the game of Badminton

  • A player must wait for the opponent to get ready
  • A player must stand within the limit of his own service court according to the score
  • Both feet must be on the ground until the service is made / delivered
  • Ensure that the shuttle at the moment of hitting must be below the waist level
  • Hit the shuttle diagonally over the net into the service court
  • Server must not make any feint with the intention of deceiving the opponent     before / during the Service.
  • Shuttle cork must be stuck with the racket
  • In case of a let, the server shall serve again
  • The shuttle cork must land in the correct service court of the opponent
It is a fault if the shuttle cork is caught in the net during play.