Animal Husbandry Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 1

(a) State six causes of low egg production in chicken. [6 marks}

(b) Name three parts of the digestive system of pigs. [3 marks]

(c) Enumerate six ways in which cattle production is important in West Africa.[6 marks]

(d) State five uses of poultry eggs.[5 marks]




Candidates displayed their strengths in answering this question. The question required precise answers in the form of stating, naming and enumerating. Majority of candidates scored high in this question and answered correctly in 1(b) and (d). However 1(a) and (c) were not well tackled by the candidates.

The expected answers include:

 1(a) Causes of low egg production in chicken

- Age of birds/moulting

- Incidence of diseases

 - Pest infestation

- Unfavourable weather/photoperiodism

- Poor housing/ventilation

- Poor feeding/malnutrition/under nutrition/inadequate feeding

- Type of breed

- Broodiness

- Poor/inadequate water supply/intake

- Poor illumination

- Incidence of predators

- Poor sanitation/hygiene

- Noise pollution

(c) Importance of cattle production

- Source of meat/production

- Source of milk

- Used on farms for traction/work power

- Source of employment

- Source of income/investment

- For social and cultural purposes

- Skin for producing leather/raw materials for industry

- Source of organic manure

- Transportation/beast of burden

- Source of animal feed (blood meal, bone meal)

- Source of foreign exchange

- Education/research

- Exhibition/livestock shows

- Aesthetic/decoration materials e.g. horn, hoof, teeth, tail