Animal Husbandry Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 3

(a) Define the term digestion in farm animals. [2 marks]

(b) In a tabular form, give four differences between the digestive systems of a chicken and a goat. [4 marks]

(c) List five methods of improving rangeland. [5 marks]

(d) Name the end product of digestion of each of the following nutrients

(i) carbohydrate;

(ii) protein;

(iii) fats and oil [3 maks]

(e) State four functions of proteins in farm animals. [4 marks]

(f) Mention two digestive enzymes found in the small intestines of a pig. [2 marks]



This question was quite popular among the candidates. Majority of them were able to define digestion in farm animals, enumerate the differences between digestive system of goat and chicken as well as stating the end product of digestion of carbohydrates, protein and fats and oil as required in 3(a), (b) and (d) respectively. However, 3(c), (e), and (f) was not well addressed by the candidates

The expected answers include:

3(c) Method of improving rangelands

- Irrigation

- Controlled burning

- Zero grazing/cut and carry system

-Reseeding/rehabilitation/regeneration/planting of cover crops

- Controlled stocking

- Application of fertilizers

- Rotational grazing/avoidance of overgrazing/paddocking

- Pest control

- Diseases control

- Weeding/rouging

- Erosion control

(e) Functions of protein in farm animals

- Growth

- It aids blood formation

- Repair of worn out tissues/deteriorating cells

- Synthesis of enzymes

- Production of antibodies/provision of immunity

- Synthesis of hormones

- Synthesis of pigments

- Milk production

- Egg production

(f) Digestive enzymes in the small intestine of a pig

- Trypsin

- Amylase

- Lipase

- Peptidase/erepsin

- Sucrase

- Lactase

- Maltase