Animal Husbandry Paper 3, WASSCE SC 2019

Question 1


(a) (i) Mention the major nutrient supplied by specimen A in animal diet.
(ii) State four functions of the nutrient mentioned in 1(a)(i).
(iii) Name three feedstuffs that could be used in place of specimen A. (8 marks)

(b) Give four reasons for keeping specimen B on a farm. (4 marks)

(c) Mention three management practices which are carried out during the rearing of specimen B. (3 marks)




This question was attempted by many candidates and marks were above average. However, many candidates could not mention the management practices carried out during the rearing of chickens. They were mentioning the management systems e.g. extensive, intensive, semi-intensive.
The expected answers include:         

1. (a) (i) Major nutrient supplied by specimen A (fish meal) in animal diet
- Protein

(ii) Functions of protein
- Promotes growth in animals/build up of body tissues
- Production of hormones, antibodies
- Repair and maintenance of worn out tissues
- Production of eggs, milk
- Synthesis of enzymes e.g. digestive juices
- Production of protective covering e.g. hair, nail
- Formation of gametes
- Source of energy
- Maintenance of body fluid balance
- Formation of haemoglobin for transportation of oxygen in blood

(iii) Feedstuffs that could be used to replace specimen A (fish meal)
- Meat meal/meat & bone meal
- Blood meal
- Maggot meal
- Shrimp meal/crayfish meal
- Whole milk/skimmed milk
- Earthworm meal
- Feather meal
- Poultry eggs/offals
- Insect meal e.g. termite, larva/larvae

(b) Reasons for keeping specimen B (chicken) on a farm
- Source of food e.g. meat, eggs
- As gifts
- Production of manure
- Source of raw materials e.g. feathers
- Production of chicks
- As pets
- Preservation of genetic diversity
- For security
- For research/educational purpose
- Religious festivals e.g. Christmas
- Source of feed ingredients e.g. egg shell, feather meal
- Social functions e.g. payment of bride price
- Sports and games
- Source of income/employment/foreign exchange

(c) Management practices carried out during the rearing of specimen B (chicken)
- Feeding (feed and water)
- Record keeping
- Culling
- Brooding
- Deworming
- Debeaking
- Delousing
- Vaccination
- Despurring
- Detoeing/toe clipping
- Dubbing
- Isolation
- Cleaning/litter management/Sanitation
- Housing
- Castration/caponization