Animal Husbandry Paper 3, WASSCE SC 2019

Question 2


(a) State two uses of specimen D in animal production. (2 marks)

(b) Mention four activities which require the use of specimen E in animal production. (4 marks)

(c) (i) State three precautions which should be taken by the farmer when using specimen F for the purpose of castration.
(ii) State three disadvantages of using specimen F for carrying out castration in pigs. (6 marks)

(d) Name three tools which could be used in place of specimen F for carrying out castration in farm animals. (3 marks)




This question was fairly attempted by the candidates although many candidates do not know other uses of iodine tincture except for treatment of wounds. Furthermore, some candidates wrote on the importance of hand gloves rather than the activities that require the use of hand gloves in animal production. Many candidates could only mention knife as a replacement to razor blade for castrating farm animals.
The expected answers include:         

2. (a) Uses of specimen D (iodine tincture) in animal production
- Sterilizing body surface before giving injection/surgery
- Treatment of wounds e.g. after castration, navel cutting, minor bruises, insect bites
- Purification of drinking water for farm animals
- Antiseptic/disinfectant/sanitizer

(b) Activities that require the use of specimen E (hand gloves) in animal production
- Drenching
- Vaccination
- Castration
- Dipping
- Slaughtering/dressing of carcass
- Shearing
- Inspection of animals
- Dressing of wounds
- Parturition
- Cleaning
- Disposal of dead animals
- Mixing of feed ingredients
- Handling of chemicals (herbicides, disinfectant)

(c) (i) Precautions taken when using specimen F (razor blade) for castration
- Use hand gloves to prevent transmission of zoonotic diseases
- Ensure proper restraining of the animal
- Blade must sterilized to prevent infection
- Blade should be sharp
- Castration should be done by a skillful person/proper handling of razor blade/ proper cutting of cord to reduce blood loss

(ii) Disadvantages of using specimen F (razor blade) for carrying out castration in pigs
- There is blood loss
- Risk of infection of animal/blood contamination
- Risk of transfer of zoonotic disease to farmer
- Maybe painful to animal/stressful
- Death could occur due to loss of blood
- Wound may not heal on time/creates wounds
- Takes a longer time to make a cut

(d) Tools that could be used for carrying out castration in place of specimen F (razor blade)
- Burdizzo
- Elastrator/rubber ring/rubber band
- Emasculator
- Scalpel
- Knife