Question 3

(a) Tomato seedlings were transplanted from the nursery to the field at a spacing of 60 cm x 60 cm. Calculate the number of tomato seedlings required for transplanting on 3.6 hectares of farmland.(5 marks)
(b) Give three reasons why staking is necessary in the production of tomato. (3 marks)
(c) List three examples of each of the following factors which affect the availability of land
for agricultural purposes:
(i) physical factors;
(ii) economic factors. (6 marks)
(d) Name four ornamental plants used for hedging. (4 marks)



a) Candidates’ performance Question 3 (a) was poor as many of them failed to convert centimetres to metres before answering the question.
b) Question 3(d) was also poorly attempted by candidates. They gave examples of ornamental plants instead of being specific on those used for hedging.
The expected answers include:


b) (i) Reasons for staking in tomato production
- Prevents lodging of the tomato plant
- Prevents tomato fruits from rotting due to contact with the soil
- Increases yield of tomato
- Improves the quality of tomato fruits
- Reduces pest attack


(c) Factors affecting land availability for agricultural purposes
(i) Physical factors
- Soil type
- Topography
- Land degradation
- Soil pollution
- Soil fertility
- Soil properties (texture/structure/pH/colour/consistency/porosity)

(ii) Economic factors
- Population pressure
- Expansion of industries/industrialization
- Mining/mineral exploitation
- Recreation/tourism
- Schools
- Banks - Hospitals
- Market development
- Transportation (roads/railways/airports)


(d) Ornamental plants used for hedging
- Hibiscus
- Acalypha
- Ixora
- Pride of Barbados
- Allamanda
- Wild rose
- Zinnia
- Croton
- Cauliflower
- Boungainvillea
- Dutchman’s pipe
- Ice plant
- Milk bush/Yellow oleander