Question 5

(a) Give three reasons why each of the following maintenance activities should be carried out in fish ponds:
(i) weeding;
(ii) desilting;
(iii) liming. (9 marks)
(b) Mention three methods of harvesting fish from a fish pond. (3 marks)
(c) List three factors to be considered when formulating animal feed. (3 marks)
(d) Mention three economic activities that could cause deforestation. (3 marks)



Question 5 (a) was not popular among candidates and responses were poor. Candidates were giving the reasons for weeding in crop production instead of fish ponds.
The expected answers include:
b) (i) Reasons why maintenance activities should be carried out in fish ponds
(i) Weeding
- Ensures adequate supply of dissolved oxygen in the pond
- Provides hygienic medium for fish growth/prevents build up of pests and diseases
- Improves the penetration of sunlight for photosynthesis of planktons
- Prevents competition for nutrients with planktons

(ii) Desilting
- Reduces pond turbidity/makes water clear
- Ensures adequate supply of dissolved oxygen in the pond
- Reduces the accumulation of unconsumed feed at the bottom of the pond
- Maintains the proper depth of fish pond/helps easy movement of fish

(iii) Liming
- Reduces the acidity of pond water
- Encourages the growth of planktons
- Makes fertilization of fish ponds effective
- Reduces pond turbidity
- Reduces leeches on fish
- Provides calcium for fish bone development


(b) Methods of harvesting fish from fish ponds
- Use of hook and line
- Use of fishing net/netting
- Use of fishing basket
- Use of fishing trap/trapping
- Electro-fishing method
- Draining of pond
- Use of fishing spear/impaling


(c) Factors to be considered when formulating animal feed
- Age of the animal
- Type of animal
- Physiological state of the animal
- Health status of the animal
- Availability of feed ingredients
- Cost of feed ingredients
- Purpose of keeping the animal
- Nutrient composition of feed ingredients
- Presence of undesirable nutritional factors in the feed ingredients


(d) Economic activities that could cause deforestation
- Establishment of commercial farms
- Transportation
- Timber exploitation
- Housing
- Industrialization
- Mining
- Establishment of markets
- Schools
- Hospitals