Agricultural Science Paper 2, Nov/Dec 2012  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Main
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Question 3

  1. (a)  Distinguish between irrigation and drainage.                                                     [2 marks]
    (b)  List:(i) two systems of irrigation;
    (ii) two systems of drainage.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           [4 marks]

    1. Explain four ways in which each of the following factors affect land availability

    for agriculture  in West Africa:

    1. socio-economic factors;
    2. topography.

    [8 marks]

      • Give two characteristics of a fertile soil.                                                             [2 marks]

This question was fairly popular among the candidates although their performance in the question was generally poor.  In 3(a), most of the candidates could not properly distinguish between irrigation and drainage.  However, most of the candidates were able to list two systems of irrigation and two systems of drainage as required in 3(b)(i-ii).  But in 3(c)(i-ii) majority of the candidates could not explain four ways in which each of socio-economic factors and topography affect land availability for agriculture in West Africa.  Furthermore, the candidates could not give two characteristics of a fertile soil as required in 3(d).


The expected answers include:                                          
3(a)        Distinction between irrigation and drainage
                Irrigation is the process whereby water is applied artificially to the soil.
                Whereas/but/on the contrary/on the other hand
Drainage is the process whereby excess water is removed from the soil.                                              
   (c)        Factors that affect land availability for agriculture in West Africa
                (i)            Socio-economic
-              Mining/mineral exploration
-              Open market construction
-              Urbanization
-              Need to build industries, roads, railways, airports, seaports compete for land
-              Establishment of recreational facilities/tourist centres reduce available land
-              Building of schools, hospitals, town halls and so on reduce land availability
(ii)           Topography

  • Hilly areas are difficult to work on and therefore limit availability of land
  • Slopes, particularly steep ones are also unsuitable for normal farming operations except if terraced
  • Slopes are also subject to severe erosion with consequent washing away of crops and good soils
  • Slope of land also affects soil temperature at any given time, hence could be high at some time of the year and low at other time
  • Soils in hilly area are not deep for normal cropping.                               

    (d)      Characteristics of a fertile soil
                -              Rich in nutrients that are readily available
                -              Retains adequate amount of water
-              Has good texture and structure

  • Has a neutral pH
  • Deep enough for penetration of roots
  • Rich in organic matter
  • Well aerated
  • Usually has dark brown or black colour indicating presence of humus





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