Agriculture Paper 2, WASSCE (PC), 2018

Question 1


  1. (a) What is farm surveying               (2 marks)     
    (b) Give six reasons why farm survey is important                                                   (6 marks)
    (c) Mention one use of each of the following farm survey equipment:
    (i) ranging pole;
    (ii) Gunter’s chain;
    (iii) prismatic compass;
    (iv) measuring tape;
    (v)theodolite                                                                              (5 marks)
    (d) State five advantages of farm mechanization.                                               (5 marks)


This question was fairly attempted by the candidates. Most of the candidates were able to explain farm surveying as well as state the importance of surveying in agriculture. However, candidates could not state the uses of ranging pole, Gunter’s chain, prismatic compass and theodolite.

The expected answers include:

1.(a)Meaning of Farm Surveying
This is the process of measuring and mapping out of the position, height, size and boundary of farmland.        
(b)  Importance of Farm Surveying
- It facilitates the transfer of land ownership
- It helps in determining the area or hectarage of the land
- Survey records can be used as basis for feasibility studies
- Farm surveying reveals the gradient of the land
- It helps farmer to make decisions about location of farm structures and buildings

- It enables the farmer to determine the boundary of the land
- It assists in farm planning
- It is needed for farmland registration
- Farm survey plan assists farmers in obtaining loan
- It assists in soil classification                  
(c)Uses of the following farm surveying equipment
(i)  Ranging Pole
- It is used in making straight lines
- It is used to mark survey stations
- It is used to determine baseline lines/ boundaries               

(ii) Gunter’s Chain

  • It is used for measuring length or distance on land 
  • It is used for running chain lines              

(iii) Prismatic Compass

  • It is used for taking bearings
  • It can also be used for measuring angular distances     

(iv) Measuring Tape

  • Used for taking measurement of length/height/breath    
  • Assists in determining right-angle triangle during farm layout                           

(v) Theodolite

  • Used to make horizontal or vertical angles

(d) Disadvantages of Farm Mechanization

  • Machines are expensive to buy
  • High cost of maintenance of the machines
  • Workers are displaced as machines replace human effort/ may lead to unemployment
  • Leads to soil compaction/destruction of soil structure
  • May cause environmental pollution
  • Some crops cannot be fully mechanized
  • Diseases and pests may be spread through contaminated machines
  • Induces soil erosion
Requires skilled personnel/technical know-how